Welcome House Outreach
Welcome House Outreach, also referred to as the WHO, has been an auxiliary fundraising committee for Welcome House since 1990.
The WHO organizes and hosts the annual Summer Sunday event held the first Sunday in August and the WHO Shower thrown in April. The committee is comprised of approximately thirty women who donate their time and energy toward making these events and their volunteer work successful. In addition to their event support, the WHO also volunteers monthly by making a meal for the women and children in our shelter and contributes frequently to our in-kind donation efforts.
In 2025, the WHO will be celebrating their 35th anniversary with Welcome House! They have been a strong source of support over the years and we are extremely thankful for their consistent support. If you are interested in joining the WHO, please contact Grace Schumacher at gschumacher@welcomehouseky.org or 859-292-9352.

WHO Members
- Karen Cady
- Cindy Carl
- Karen Daugherty
- Lynn Faulkner
- Juanita Griffin
- Elizabeth Heist
- Ann Hemmer
- Pat Hemmer
- Kristen Inman
- Brittaney King
- Rebecca Reckers
- Amy Ryan
- Karen Smith