
IMAG0159 copyThere are many ways to get involved and fundraise for Welcome House. For more information or questions, call Natalie Endres at or 859-431-8717.


We love that you are coming to the event, donating in-kind and/or financial contributions, and volunteering – but what about your friends? If you are involved with Welcome House, let your family and friends know. Invite them to the next event with you, have them meet with Welcome House staff for a tour of the facilities, and let them know how they can contribute to ending homelessness. Let’s put the FUN in FUNdraising and get our networks involved!


Do you ever hear people talking about homelessness and solutions to ending it, but they don’t know where to go or what to do next? Tell them about Welcome House and what our clients face everyday. Visit our Needs page so that they can see the statistics of our population and what the most vulnerable members in our community are facing. Share Welcome House updates on your social media, visit our website, sign up for our e-newsletter, and spread the word on ways to get involved. With your help and support we can shed some light on this issue and make Northern Kentucky a better place to live, work, and play for all members of our community.


WH_shoot09_RTIf you are interested in Welcome House but not sure quite what we do, call the Welcome House Development Staff to set up a tour! Throughout the tour, you will be able to visit all of our Welcome House facilities located in Covington, Kentucky and also ask questions and learn more about the services Welcome House provides. Tours are a great way to see the homeless population Welcome House serves and gain an understanding of the challenges they face.


Events are a fun and social way to get involved in Welcome House. Event proceeds go directly to Welcome House and help us provide the services for our clients. Event revenue goes to filling gaps that other funding does not provide in order to offer a holistic approach in helping our clients. Purchase tickets to attend, bid on silent auction items, purchase raffle tickets, and/or become an event sponsor. To learn more about Welcome House events, click here (link). There are so many ways to support Welcome House and the clients we serve no matter the size of your budget. They’re a lot of fun too!

Personal Events

DewMore at Dewey's PizzaRTIf you’d like to get involved with our events, but are unable to attend the events hosted by Welcome House, you may consider hosting your own where all proceeds are donated to Welcome House. Need an example? How about Max – a young boy who sold lemonade in Mainstrasse (Covington, KY) and donated all proceeds to Welcome House. Or host an evening where you have family and friends over for light food and drinks around the holidays and ask all guests to donate $20 to Welcome House. We are all about thinking outside of the box and if you are interested in hosting a personal event, but need some help brainstorming, call 859.431.8717 and ask to speak to the Development Team.

Percent Proceeds

Are you someone who sells Oragami Owl? Stella & Dot? Own your own business? Have you ever considered giving back to the community and helping those in need? If you contributed 10-20% of your proceeds from an event to Welcome House you could make a huge impact on our clients’ lives.