
Welcome House Asks For ‘Snack Packs’ Items To Be Distributed For National Hunger and Homeless Week

Welcome House Cold Shelter Returns To Boone County For Third Season
The Boone County emergency winter shelter season typically lasts from November through the end of March. Last year, Welcome House was located at two different hotels: The Lookout Hotel in Fort Wright and the Sure Stay in Florence. Sure Stay is partnering with Welcome...

New Facility For Housing Assistance Business Under Construction
Construction is underway on one building off of Greenup Street in Covington as crews help make a new facility for Welcome House a reality. “Just having a facility for women and children wasn’t enough. We wanted to be able to expand that population and serve more...

Juneteenth 2022 Elevated In The Cov
On Friday (June 17), Welcome House of Kentucky’s Juneteenth Celebration at Randolph Park will bring together Black-owned businesses, all-Black choirs, praise dancers, food trucks, and more. Click here to read full article.

Welcome House Teams Up With St. E. Healthcare To Open Medical Respite Program At Old North Location
Welcome House, Inc., in partnership with St. Elizabeth Healthcare will open a medical respite program Monday at The Pavilion, formerly the old St. Elizabeth North location in Covington. “There are more and more individuals that are in desperate need of respite medical...

Welcome House Celebrates Its 40th Anniversary, Poised To Grow; Announces Campaign For New Shelter
“It’s pretty amazing to think that 40 years ago we started with a staff of one and today we have grown to a staff of over 50, over 600 volunteers, and services expanding to the southern-most part of the state,” says Danielle Amrine, CEO. “Our continual growth not only...

Veterans Experiencing Homelessness Can Find Open Door At Welcome House
Northern Kentucky veterans who find themselves living on the streets now have a dedicated place to go for shelter and to tap into resources to help them get back on their feet. “You do have to have to cross the river in order to get assistance like this from the VA,”...

Welcome House To Double Capacity With New $6.4 Million, 20,000-Square Foot Homeless Services Center
The state-of-the-art Homeless Services Center at 1132 Greenup Street in Covington will allow Welcome House to provide safe, clean and dignified care while easing the transition into permanent, sustained housing. In addition to providing more room for women and...

Groundbreaking Held For $6.4 Million Homeless Services Center In Covington
Welcome House of Northern Kentucky held a groundbreaking ceremony Thursday for a $6.4 million homeless services center which will double the number of women and children the organization can serve, among other populations. Welcome House is currently the only facility...

Welcome House of NKY Breaks Ground On New Family Shelter Facility In Covington
Welcome House of Northern Kentucky broke ground on its new, $6.4 million Homeless Services Center Thursday. It will become one of only two places in Greater Cincinnati that provides shelter for mothers, fathers and children. Click here to read full article.